Since 2014


Letter to Y. 16 August Edition

First written 5 February 2018 


10 May 2022


Hurry up to library Note added

In the 21 century language will become




Sekinan Library 

which was founded in 1986 at Tokyo for the study of language universals.

SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language 

which was founded in 2003 at Tokyo for the study of quantum paper.


The latest research is shown at
Quantum-Nerve Theory

QNT News
The Latest quantum paper is shown at
SQGL Seakinan Quantum Group Language



Site Classification 2020
SRFL Group
SRFL Geometry
SRFL Theory 
Geometrization Language 

Sekinan Group
Sekinan Library - Founded 1986
Sekinan Research Field of Language - Founded 2003
Sekinan Study
Sekinan Essay
Sekinan Paper
Sekinan Archaeology - Levi-Strauss Claude
Sekinan MathBasis - Linguistic Circle of Prague
Sekinan Ideogram - Ideogram
Quantum-Nerve Theory - Quantum-Nerve Theory
SQGL - Quantum Group 

New Sekinan Group
Sekinan Library - Study Summary
Sekinan Fresh - Essay Selected
Sekinan Table - Essay. Paper. Theory Listed
Sekinan Story - Story Commentated
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory. Nerve 1
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory. Nerve 3
Sekinan Signal - Signal-Nerve Theory. Nerve 2

Sekinan Memory

SIL Group
SIL News

Website Group

SRFL News - Paper Garner 2 by Search Button
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory. Nerve 1
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory. Nerve 3
Sekinan Signal Signal-Nerve Theory. Nerve 2
Sekinan Table - Paper Gerbner by Search Button
Sekinan View
atbankofdam - Paper Gerbner 3 by Search Button

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Leading Essay

Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace

Prague in 1920s

The Days of Decipherment

The Days of Ideogram

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A Youth of Student Enthralled by Language

To Winter. RI Ko. 2015




7 April 2014 

Sekinan Library
Founded in 1986



Geometrization Language


Article Archive 2020

30/11/2020 23:33


Story. To Winter. Author RI Ko. Publisher Sekinan Library. Publish year 2015

04/09/2017 08:50

Derived Category Language, 23 July 2016 Edition

23/07/2016 13:06

Papers on language dimension In chronological order

26/08/2015 13:03

Distance of Word

26/08/2015 12:50

Geometrization Language Note 2

24/08/2015 22:37

Geometrization Language Note

24/08/2015 22:35

Work of Perelman

24/08/2015 22:33

Geometrization Conjecture

24/08/2015 22:31

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented 3 S3 and Hoph Map

16/08/2015 20:44

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented 1 Bend

16/08/2015 20:27

Geometrization Language Note

15/08/2015 22:13

Distance of Word

15/08/2015 22:11

Distance Theory

15/08/2015 22:09

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented 2 Distance

15/08/2015 21:59

Publishing Revolution

15/08/2015 18:40

Distance Theory

15/08/2015 11:14

Work of Perelman

15/08/2015 09:05

W. Thurston, 1980

15/08/2015 09:03

Geometrization Language Note 2

14/08/2015 20:21

Geometrization Language Note

14/08/2015 13:02

Ancient solution

09/08/2015 19:19

Harnack inequality

09/08/2015 19:15

Geometry of Geometrization Conjecture

09/08/2015 19:08

Canonical resoresolution

09/08/2015 19:01

Geometrization Conjecture

09/08/2015 18:53

Poincare Conjecture

09/08/2015 18:46

Parabolic neibourhood

09/08/2015 18:41

Open metric ball

09/08/2015 13:15

Maximum principle

09/08/2015 13:14

Uhlenbeck's trick

09/08/2015 13:09

Developmental equation

09/08/2015 12:55

Epsilon-delta method

07/08/2015 13:25

Heat equation

07/08/2015 12:07

Statistical mechanics system

07/08/2015 11:55

Ricci flow's curvature tensor

07/08/2015 11:44

Ricci flow

06/08/2015 22:35

Ricci soliton

06/08/2015 22:23

Database of SIL

12/11/2014 10:37

Root of Language / 20 September 2014

20/09/2014 10:02

Disposition of Language / with supplement

18/09/2014 20:18

SRFLZoho, mathematical approach to language universals

15/09/2014 19:40

Parts and Whole / 1 September 2014

08/09/2014 21:39

Reread Evelyn Waugh&s Brideshead Revisited

23/08/2014 19:33

Perhaps Return to Physics / 16 August 2014

16/08/2014 23:23

Quantum Theory for Language / 15 January 2004

12/08/2014 21:56

The Complete Works of WANG Guowei / 24 May 2012

12/08/2014 19:08

Max Delbluck From physics to Biology Application to Different Field / 21 July 2012

12/08/2014 10:25

Writing Style of the Papers in 2013

10/08/2014 22:04

Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics

10/08/2014 11:28

Dimension Decrease Conjecture / 1 May 2014

10/08/2014 09:02

Synthesis Conjecture / 1 May 2014

10/08/2014 09:00

Reversion Conjecture Revised / 1 May 2014

08/08/2014 20:30

Roman Jakobson / 16 July 2012

06/08/2014 17:50

Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein

02/08/2014 21:51

The Time of Wittgenstein

02/08/2014 21:48


02/08/2014 10:22

Tomonaga's Super Multi-time Theory / Clifford Algebra Note 5 / 25 January 2008 / Note added 30 July 2014

30/07/2014 22:11

On Time Property Inherent in Characters

29/07/2014 18:16

The first paper on Inherent time in word at SRFL

26/07/2014 10:18

Character encloses the time of word

24/07/2014 15:05

Curriculum Vitae

23/07/2014 09:23

I need not more wander the book shop streets. / From Tale, Print, 2012

21/07/2014 19:18

Aim / Aim again

21/07/2014 10:48

KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom

20/07/2014 21:47

Aim 2

19/07/2014 17:59

Intuition and Mathematics

19/07/2014 17:50

Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the linguistic Circle of Prague

19/07/2014 09:59

Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Dudualisme asymmetrique du signe linguistique"

19/07/2014 09:40

Preparation for Description on Language

18/07/2014 10:17

Themes on Language Universals

18/07/2014 10:14

Supposition on dimension

17/07/2014 21:38

CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague

17/07/2014 18:58

Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"

17/07/2014 18:51

10 Extracts from Tale, Print, 2012

17/07/2014 12:03

Zariski-Nagata's purity theorem

20/05/2014 18:55

Sekinan Research Field of Language

09/04/2014 21:52

Meaning Minimum

09/04/2014 21:36
Items: 1 - 77 of 77


Letter to the library. Translated by Google

28/11/2020 17:49

Letter to the library

26/11/2020 17:50


08/08/2015 17:35


29/12/2014 11:42


09/04/2014 23:55
Items: 1 - 5 of 5